Friday, February 25, 2011

Test Drive Unlimited 2 Getting Free DLC

It's things like this that make me love some companies, but hate them at the same time. Atari is giving away free copies of their DLC. Why? They want to say thanks for sticking around TDU2 while it was in the buggy launch state. When I first read this article I thought "oh, that's nice of Atari, after all it would be nice to have some free DLC" (note I don't own this game). But then after reading the reason why they were doing this, I was pretty damn pissed.
The love:
Why do I like this? It should be pretty simple. They're giving free DLC out because they had a buggy launch. The DLC seems to be featuring some pretty cool addons such as "new vehicles, the Lancia Stratos version Rallye and 1969 Dodge Charger, as well as a laundry list of fixes". That seems like a lot of stuff, and it should be worth a few dollars or Microsoft Points, right? Well, we're getting it for free, so rejoice!
You'd think it would be pretty hard to hate getting free stuff, but believe me I have valid reasons. First off, WHY would they release a game if it was buggy? It doesn't make sense! This is just more PROOF that all of the games that are being released are buggy, rushed, and half complete (if Black Ops wasn't enough of an example...). So why are companies still doing this? Easy. They get money, because people are still buying them. For the love of god people, STOP BUYING AN INCOMPLETE GAME! But the fact alone that we buy their games isn't the only culprit, they're releasing the games unfinished. There needs to be a law saying a publisher cannot force a release date if a game isn't finished. I mean, look how long Gran Turismo 5 took to make. And look how much stuff is in it!
Now, my second reasoning to why I hate this is, ALL DLC SHOULD BE FREE. God dammit companies, we bought your game, why do we have to pay MORE money to get additional content if we HAVE THE GAME. This is like if you buy a car, but it's not finished. Yeah, it works, and it is decent, but then your dealership says "okay, we just finished making your windows and backseat. Give us another few hundred dollars and you can get them." No. This shouldn't be how games work. And not to mention, Steam (the PC gaming platform) gives out almost all VALVe's games DLC (new maps, new weapons, etc) for FREE. Think about it, when the L4D2 map "The Passing" came out, did PC have to pay for it? NOPE. Did Xbox have to pay for it? Yup. Companies have to stop doing this. Forever.

Source: Gamespot

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