It's stuff like this that makes me say "YES!" but not understand why at the same time. Ubisoft is created a Guitar Hero/Rock Band clone, only making it 'better'. When I say better, I mean you can plug in an actual electric guitar and start playing. First thing is first, this is NOT going to sell. How do I know? Look at Rock Band 3, and that new guitar they made. WHO USES IT? Not me! When I got Rock Band 3, I use my wireless guitar from Rock Band 2 with it. The Rock Band 3 guitar was barely sold, and most people don't use it. Why? They want those simple 5 buttons! That's fun! Learning to play the guitar over a video game is NOT! I hope Ubisoft, Guitar Hero, and Rock Band learn there lesson and go back to the basics that was Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero: World tour. That's what everyone liked the best, and if it isn't broken don't fix it.
Aside from that, I really do want to see where this goes. It looks cool, but again, who's going to buy it? I want to see if this is going to be fun, if it's going to make it, and if they're going to change the name. The name "Rocksmith" just doesn't sound... good. If this makes it, great. If it doesn't, meh. It's a cool concept, but so far I can't see a company that is doing it right.
Also, don't even get me started on DJ Hero. *shudders*
Source: Examiner